Hearst Free Library
Anaconda, Montana
The Chocolate Wine & Cheese fundraiser on Saturday, Feb. 8th has been rescheduled due to weather
Our Library: How it Works
Welcome to the Hearst Free Library. Our goal is to provide you with the information and services you need.
Library Card Basics: To obtain a library card you will need picture identification and proof of your current address to set up the account. Anyone under the age of 18 will need a parent or guardian's information.
Our Lending Policies: Anyone with a Montana address can become a Hearst Free Library user.
Most new books and movies check out for 14 days, all other materials are 28 days.
Generally, you can renew an item twice....
Partners Sharing Group: Not finding what you want in our small library? Use the Partners Sharing Group to borrow nearly anything!
As a member of the Partners Sharing Group, we have access to over 400,000 different books, DVDs, CDs, and more located throughout western Montana.
This program provides us with regular weekly deliveries, making it easy to include whatever you're looking for. Most items requested will arrive within a week, and we'll give you a call when any of your items are available for pick-up.
Simply stop by or contact us for login information, assistance, or if you prefer, we can place a hold for you.
Staff & Board Members
Our dedicated staff and board members work diligently to provide the Anaconda community with a Library to be proud of.
Sam Walters
Library Director
Patrick Sullivan
Assistant Director
Susan Costle
Jamie C0stle
Claire Lind
Kirsty Miller
Charlotte Slaughter
Board of Trustees
Maureen Parrow
Kurt Wyant
Scott Swan
Marsha Miller
Bobbi Frank